Hadassah is at the forefront of fighting the COVID-19 Pandemic around the world!


Message from the Hadassah Hospitals in Jerusalem:

“The only thing we can do is prepare to receive patients.

As numbers in Jerusalem start climbing, Hadassah scrambles to isolate floors in the round building, ensuring complete segregation and optimal conditions for patient admission scale-up. Re-purposing the round building has encumbered hospital activity, and the construction of segregated floors has posed new budgetary challenges for the hospital.

Among the struggles we face is in procuring the equipment, medical agents, and disposables necessary for the treatment of incoming patients and for the protection of hospital staff. Alongside the costs of procurement of these vital resources, hangs a dark cloud of uncertainty as demand is creating global scarcity and impacting costs.”


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  • What advise Hadassah can give YOU

  • What the Hadassah Hospitals are doing to fight the Coronavirus in Jerusalem

  • What Hadassah International is doing to help countries around the world

  • How you can partner with Hadassah to make a difference.