Hadassah – The Women’s Zionist Organization of America (HWZOA), and the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) have announced the appointment of Prof. Yoram Weiss, MD, as HMO’s director-general. Prof. Weiss, who has served as acting director-general since July 2021, succeeds Prof. Zeev Rotstein.
Prof. Weiss, 63, an expert in intensive care medicine and anesthesiology, has worked at Hadassah for 31 years. For seven years before being appointed acting director-general last summer, he served as director of Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem, one of HMO’s two hospitals in Jerusalem. His previous positions include chairman of Hadassah’s Department of Anesthesiology and director of its Center for Surgical Critical Care Medicine. In addition, he has held several national positions in Israel, including head of the committee on the strategic evaluation of operating room management in Israeli hospitals and head of cybersecurity regulation and guidelines for Israel’s health care system.
Prof. Weiss is a graduate of the Technion School of Medicine. He did his medical internship at HMO and holds a master’s degree in business administration from the joint program of New York University, HEC Paris, and the London School of Economics. He completed the requirements for a specialization in medical administration from the Israeli Ministry of Health. Prof. Weiss is married and the father of two.
“It is a great privilege for me to head such a groundbreaking organization as HMO, an organization that leads in medical treatment, research, and education,” says Prof. Weiss. “Its management, in full cooperation with its board of directors and Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, will work toward the continued growth of the hospital.”
Dalia Itzik, chair of the HMO Board of Directors, comments, “Yoram Weiss is the right man in the right place. He is highly experienced and I am confident that his skills and diligence will lead the hospital to new heights. We give him all our blessings.”
Rhoda Smolow, national president of HWZOA, congratulated Prof. Weiss, saying, “I had the privilege of working with Prof. Weiss even before he was named acting director-general, and he has my continued support. I have nothing but the highest praise and greatest respect for his leadership. He is an exceptional partner and the ideal person to lead HMO. We look forward to working with him to bring the hospitals to new heights.”
Naomi Adler, CEO of HWZOA notes, “Yoram Weiss’s vision for the future of medicine is inspiring, as is his deep appreciation for what makes HMO unique. We are excited by the possibilities this new partnership presents and confident that the next phase of the medical organization’s life will be even more transformative than its past.”