As part of the October global campaign to raise awareness of Breast Cancer, the Hadassah Medical Center organized a seminar called “Everything you wanted to know about breast cancer but never dared to ask”. Its purpose was to focus on the early diagnosis of the disease, its prevention, and how to fight and heal.
Held in Jerusalem, the seminar was free and open to the public and featured the leading specialists in research and the treatment and prevention of breast cancer at the Hadassah Medical Center.
Prof. Tamar Peretz , Director of the Sharett Institute of Oncology Center and Malignant Breast Diseases, opened the seminar. Dr. Michal Sagi, Coordinator of Services for Genetic Oncological Consultations for breast and ovarian cancer, presented the latest findings on the role of heredity in breast cancer and explained the results of recent research conducted in Israel and around the world, and their implications for families at risk.
Dr. Tamar Sela, Director of the Center for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer at Hadassah Ein Kerem, discussed different imaging techniques during routine examinations for the early detection of breast cancer: mammography ultrasound and MRI. She compared the advantages and disadvantages – the reasons for each choice and when to use one of these methods.
Professor Amnon Brzezkinski, Director of the Women’s Care Center, discussed the question of whether there is a link between sex hormones and breast cancer. He showed that the commonly accepted idea is countered by studies showing that taking oral contraceptives does not lead to increased breast cancer, and hormone treatments administered during menopause should present, for the most part, virtually no risk if such a decision is made on a case by case basis.
A patient shared her personal experience of her fight against the disease.
Prof. Tamar Peretz discussed the treatments currently available for breast cancer, focusing mainly on innovative treatments based on personalized medicine.
Dorit Adler, Director of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Hadassah Ein Kerem gave a broad overview of the link between diet and health: diet and cancer in general and breast cancer in particular. She spoke about how a “correct” diet can help prevent the onset – and the reappearance of the disease.
Prof. Tamar Peretz closed the conference, stating that “Awareness is a major step towards better health for all.”