Physicians from Israel will have the opportunity to study with renowned specialists from Monash University’s Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories and the Hadassah University Medical Center’s Department of Neurology, thanks to the establishment of the Eva and Les Erdi AUSiMED Fellowship in Neurological Diseases.
Through the generosity of Australian philanthropists Eva and Les Erdi, Monash University was able to create this initiative that will unleash the potential of scientists to advance the field of regenerative medicine. AUSiMED, the Australia Israel Medical Research Initiative, is the bilateral research project created by Hadassah Australia, aimed at supporting collaborative research ventures between the Hadassah Medical Center and prestigious medical institutions in Australia. The fellowship will support two postdoctoral fellows, each working for 2.5 years on a joint research project between Monash Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories and the Hadassah Medical Center. The research will focus on multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions such as stroke, brain trauma, spinal cord injury, and Alzheimer’s disease.
The Neurological Fellowship represents the first collaboration between Monash and AUSiMED. “We are very excited to see such a valuable collaboration underway,” comments Dr. Elane Zelcer, Hadassah Australia’s Chief Executive Officer and National Convenor of AUSiMED.
The gift also establishes The Eva and Les Erdi Zebrafish Research Group, which will work with Monash’s Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, to decipher ways to help the human body repair, replace, restore, and regenerate damaged tissues and organs. For more information: Australia@hadassah.org