Taking action to stem the increase in AIDS cases among the residents of East Jerusalem, the Hadassah Medical Center’s AIDS Center hosted an in-service seminar on AIDS awareness and prevention for family doctors. The seminar, entitled “HIV–A Virus Without Borders,” included presentations about diagnostic methods, early symptoms, treatment options, quality of life, and life expectancy.
“Family physicians don’t think of HIV when examining the men, women, and children in their regular practices, and they are missing the initial signs,” explains Center Director Dr. Hila Elinav. As a result, he says, “patients are diagnosed dangerously late and arrive at the Center much later than they should.” Consequently, they have a lower chance of overcoming the virus. When HIV is diagnosed early, Dr. Elinav relates, treatment can prevent the development of AIDS.Established in 1985, Hadassah’s AIDS Center currently cares for about 400 HIV carriers, including Jews, Arabs, and Christians. Its multidisciplinary team provides diagnosis, treatment, and support for these patients, as well as conducting research on HIV/AIDS.