On August 11 and 12, 2015 Hadassah Panama organized a “V Seminar Update” on Emergency Trauma with an emphasis on orthopedics. The Seminar was held at St. Thomas Hospital in Panama City and over a thousand health professionals participated. This is the continuation of a joint cooperation project initiated in 2007 between the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem and the St. Thomas Hospital in Panama.
On this occasion four doctors came to Panama to participate: Prof. Alon Pikarsky, Acting Head of Department of Surgery at Hadassah Ein Kerem and Head of the Center for Colorectal Surgery; Dr. Amal Khoury, Orthopedic Surgeon at Hadassah; Dr. Daniel Izrael, Orthopedic Surgeon at Hadassah; and Dr. Julian Salvarrieta Varela, Orthopedic Surgeon who studied in Israel.
During two intense days they shared their expertize with medical personnel, students, nurses and first responders, focusing on various orthopedic topics presented in trauma incidents.
This year Hadassah Panama was also able to offer a simulcast seminar for doctors within the country in the cities of Colon and David. The seminar will be available online for one month at http://goo.gl/xlMKZb to the general public.

One of the topics that had the most impact for the audience was the presentation by the group “Hazala“ about a rescue “Ambumoto” that is equipped with everything needed to offer first aid as it arrives at the scene of an accident. It has been used in Israel for many years. Taking into account the traffic jams in Panama, this is an excellent option that could make the difference between life and death. Hadassah Panama hopes to encourage the Panamanian national government to implement the Ambumoto system as part of 911 for an immediate response to any emergency.
The Hadassah Doctors also volunteered to give medical consultations at the Hebrew Club for patients from the community who wanted to discuss their cases and hear about innovations from Israel.
With this seminar Hadassah Panama offers its help to Panamanians, honoring the motto “Building bridges between nations through medicine.”