Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem has been ranked as one of the best “smart hospitals” in the world for 2021 by Newsweek magazine.
The prestigious list honors the 250 hospitals worldwide that best avail themselves of the most advanced technologies. These hospitals, according to Newsweek, are leaders in their use of artificial intelligence, robotic surgery, digital imaging, telemedicine, smart buildings, information technology infrastructure, and electronic health records. “The hospitals on this list,” note Newsweek’s editors, “are the ones to watch.”
The ranking, determined by the magazine in partnership with the data firm Statista, was based on recommendations from hospital directors and medical innovation experts from around the world. More than 13,000 physicians and hospital and health administrators were surveyed.
“The election of Hadassah to this honorable list brings great pride to Israel,” comments Acting Director-General Prof. Yoram Weiss. “Hadassah represents the good name of the State of Israel in the fields of science, medicine, and research.”
The ranking’s editors explain that the COVID-19 pandemic “put hospitals through the ultimate stress test. By forcing them to adapt to waves of COVID-19 patients, changing treatment protocols, faltering supply chains, and a massive vaccine rollout, to name just a few of the challenges of the past year, the outbreak drove home the importance of advanced technology. The hospitals that best weathered the crisis were, by and large, the ones that were already open to integrating new technologies and taking advantage of data-driven opportunities as they become available.”
Prof. Weiss elaborates, “Our hospital staffs, in every sector and position, are the driving force. They have extensive knowledge that enables them to make use of advanced and smart technologies, many of which are groundbreaking at the world level. This places our medical center at the forefront of medicine in Israel and around the world. The use of advanced tools makes it possible to share knowledge from a distance, to perform advanced medical procedures combining robotics and digitization, and to collaborate with start-ups.”
The Newsweek rating coincides with the Israel Ministry of Health naming both Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus as the best in their respective classes.
Main photo credentials: Newsweek