Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is with great pride that we present to you the 2021 Hadassah International Year in Review.
You will see in this year’s report, that the impact of the work done by the Hadassah Medical Organization’s doctors, nurses, researchers, and scientists goes beyond the walls of Jerusalem and reaches the lives, health, and well-being of millions around the world.
As we continue in living extraordinary times, sending this report right before the beginning of the Jewish Holiday of Pesach is particularly meaningful. Soon, many of us will be sitting with our families remembering through the reading of the Haggadah, the struggle for freedom that transpires in the story of the Exodus. As you do that, we ask you to join us in prayer for the well-being of the many millions of refugees from Ukraine whose lives have been destroyed and dramatically disrupted during this war. At the same time, we share with you how proud we should all be of the work that our doctors and nurses are doing treating thousands of refugees at the Polish Ukrainian border.
Hadassah International, working together with Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, and the Hadassah Medical Organization, has become a truly international organization, promoting health among international partners, from Jerusalem to the world and from the world to Jerusalem. We serve as a bridge between the needy and the responders, between the patrons and the innovators, and between the humanitarian and the global response.
This Third Edition of Hadassah International Annual Report/Year in Review is available in digital format, entitled “Building Bridges. Rebuilding Lives”.
You may view the report by clicking HERE or on the picture below and browse through the report.
*** For a full digital experience, make sure to turn your mobile device to landscape mode***
This stunning new material will also be available in hard copy. Please be in touch with Attila Gulyas at intlcommunications@hadassah.org to let us know if you would be interested in additional reports printed for your individual use.
As we report back, we keep making history every day, transforming the world, one life at a time. In Jerusalem, in Israel, in South America, in Europe, wherever we can accomplish our mission of building bridges, rebuilding lives.
Chag Pesach Sameach!
Robert Dorfman Karen Ezrine Jorge Diener
President National Chair Executive Director