Dov Guggenheim, who just ran the Jerusalem marathon, has had multiple sclerosis (MS) since October 2015–diagnosed when he was just 19 years old.

A patient of the Multiple Sclerosis Center at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem, Dov says he ran with the MS team from Hadassah, not only because of the great treatment he received there, but because he wants to raise awareness about the Center and to inspire donations.

Dov was born in 1996 in Passaic, NJ. His mother, a professor, took him to Israel for a year when he was in elementary school. Since then, he’s wanted to be an Israeli in every way. At age 16, he immigrated to Israel on his own, finishing high school at the scientific yeshiva high school in Maale Adumim. From there, he volunteered for an integrated army service and yeshiva program.

When he was diagnosed with MS, Dov transferred to Yeshivat Mahanyaim in Efrat so that he could be treated at Hadassah. An investment whiz, he is now studying and working part-time, hoping for a future in finance.

Dov believes that MS is not a death sentence and, with the right treatment, support, and mindset, truly anything is possible.

 Photo above, Dov Guggenheim on left.