The Hadassah School, comprised of inpatients of the Hadassah Medical Center, has launched a new code of ethics for its multicultural student population of all ages.
Operating out of the Pediatric Unit at Hadassah Hospital-Ein Kerem, the school is open to all children who are hospitalized there, regardless of age or length of hospitalization. The school’s multicultural staff includes teachers, teaching assistants, and volunteers, both Jewish and Arab, as well as religious and secular. The school aims to provide the students with the best quality of life possible and to aid in their recovery.
With the intention of outlining a set of values that would provide a quality environment for all children, regardless of culture or background, Director Edna Pinchover led a campaign, together with a multidisciplinary special committee, to create a code of ethics for the school. Highlighting the central goal of maintaining professionalism, integrity, and excellence, the code addresses issues such as ensuring safety, respect, and self-esteem for the students; encouraging positive behavior among students and staff; and enhancing faith among colleagues and cooperation within the multicultural staff. The code also encourages self-evaluation on the part of the staff and ongoing dialogue during times of conflict.
In addressing the staff at the launch, Member of Knesset Amram Mitzna, Chair of the Knesset Education, Culture, and Sport Committee, noted: “Being able to uphold the code, combining education and schooling at a hospital for children and families in distress, for whom education is not always on their minds, requires you, the teachers and staff, to be both flexible and sensitive. You are an integral part of this hospital; you don’t just educate the children, but are a part of their healing and recovery. You enable them to return to their schools faster and acclimate to everyday life more seamlessly. I have only praise for your important work.”