For his support during United States President Barack Obama’s recent visit to Israel, Prof. Avi Rivkind, Director of the Hadassah Medical Center’s Trauma Unit, received a certificate of appreciation from the White House.
The certificate reads: “The members of the White House Medical Unit wish to express our sincere appreciation and commend you for OUTSTANDING support during the recent visit of President Barack Obama to Israel. Your professionalism reflects great credit upon yourself, and is in keeping with the highest traditions of medical care. Thank you for a job well done.”
Prof. Rivkind was also instrumental in teaching physicians from Boston (MA) about Hadassah’s methodology for handling mass casualty events. Rivkind, who has treated countless terror victims in Israel, helped to devise a training system for emergency triage which underscores the fact that some of the severest blast trauma injuries are hard to detect, but can prove fatal if not dealt with immediately.