Dozens of staffers at Hadassah Medical Center volunteered to treat COVID-19 patients and use everything from exercycles to the ‘infected smartphone’ to relieve stress.

Nir Nasson, reporting for the prominent Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, has put together this remarkable story of life and heroism inside the Hadassah Hospital’s COVID-19 Isolation Wards, along with memorable photos taken by Bruno Lavi, the Senior Deputy Director-General of Hadassah, that will live forever as a testament to these historic times.

In the coronavirus wards at the Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem, Jerusalem, dozens of workers all volunteered to be there. Ayala Van Dijk, who is the head nurse in the urology department, said: “I felt that I couldn’t stay home and keep quiet while a battle was taking place in the hospital, in a place where I have the knowhow and ability to contribute.”

Dorit Oriah Skurka, who has been a head nurse in the emergency room, said, “Everybody working here called and said that they want to work with the coronavirus. There is a feeling of a shared fight. My children say that there’s a biological war, and Mom is one of the soldiers.”

On Sunday, Hadassah Hospital finished printing large stickers with the faces of the doctors and nurses. The staff attach the stickers to the chests of their isolation suits so that the patients can know what they look like behind the masks and tell them apart…


Please click here to see this amazing story.