Few Muslims are prepared to stand up and criticize Islamic extremism. Fewer still will publicly declare their support for Israel. How rare is it then for an educated Muslim woman to “refuse to stay silent in the face of hypocrisy”?

Dr. Qanta Ahmed is a respected clinician in sleep disorders, Associate Professor of Medicine at the State University of New York, and an Honorary Professor at the School of Public Health at Glasgow’s Caledonian University.

She recently toured Australia to promote the work of Hadassah Australia’s Project Rozana.

Project Rozana is raising money in Australia and New Zealand to support the training of Palestinian doctors at the Hadassah Medical Organization, so that they can return to their own communities and provide excellent treatment for their patients closer to home.


While in Australia, Dr. Qanta Ahmed was the guest on several TV and radio shows. She did not hesitate to speak out against Muslim extremism.

To see and hear some of these interviews, please go to:

Dr. Qanta Ahmed interview on Channel 10 with Ita Buttrose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX91X8P5GM4&feature=youtu.be
